We founded CSP to raise the bar for conservation science.
Our project outcomes are durable, defensible, academic-grade science designed to guide nonpartisan and independent decision making.
CSP seeks to develop strategic, coherent solutions to the large-scale problems that affect our society and environment. We believe that innovation is essential to this process. As a leading research provider, we engage across sectors of society to apply conservation science in new ways. We draw on existing data when available and collect or develop new data as needed. To do this, CSP has developed an interdisciplinary, global network of experts to bring critical, multi-dimensional ideas to solve conservation problems.
Our core staff includes full-time scientists whose skills are complemented by a well distributed, connected network of professionals. This centralized capacity also allows members of our network to conduct independent research while flexibly sharing resources, infrastructure, and alliances — thus creating an agile whole that far exceeds the sum of its parts. CSP provides a conduit for enlisting the best minds in applied conservation science to forge meaningful advances and practical solutions.