Since 2012, CSP has been a high-end provider of quantitative research and planning services for conservation-oriented projects around the globe.
We work and form partnerships with foundations, nongovernmental organizations, academic institutions, socially progressive industries, state and federal agencies, and other entities. Our core capabilities and services include, but are not limited to:

CSP specializes in developing high-quality spatial analytical information and products, drawing on some of the world’s most efficient computing resources and cloud-based platforms. Our capabilities span the entire spectrum of geospatial techniques, from custom ecological and environmental data development (GIS and remote sensing based) to advanced analyses of resource use dynamics at the individual and population levels. We address conservation and management problems at the appropriate spatial and temporal scales in a cost-efficient, adaptive manner.

CSP draws on contemporary modeling approaches, including circuit theory, Bayesian inference, and machine learning and artificial intelligence to identify the key drivers of ecosystem or population dynamics over biologically relevant spatial and temporal scales. We use these tools to model land use, climate change, and adaptation scenarios and to estimate key population-level metrics such as occupancy, density, resource selection, survival, energy budgets, and disease prevalence, especially their response to management alternatives in terrestrial or aquatic systems. We also identify the influence of disturbance, including fire, off-highway vehicles, and non-native species invasion, on habitat connectivity and other fundamental ecological processes. Our work often identifies quantitatively based mitigation, restoration, or recovery strategies for protected species and their habitats.

CSP provides the capacity and resources to position projects for success in the earliest stages of planning, design, or implementation. We seek to address conservation problems proactively, through ‘Design Thinking’ and a human-centered approach. Our services are particularly suited for planning and siting large projects in places where impacts to ecosystems can be avoided or minimized. Through hosted workshops and other forums, we have facilitated or collaborated on efforts to identify conservation priorities across local, regional, and global scales, including adaptation and other responses to climate change. In addition, we have extensive experience developing flexible, user-friendly web tools and visualizations that can help guide effective conservation planning communications and strategies in near real time.

CSP educates future leaders in conservation science — graduate students, undergraduate students, and postdoctoral fellows — in an applied, real-world setting. We provide many of these opportunities through our existing academic relationships or appointments with Northern Arizona University, University of Nevada–Reno, University of California–Davis, and other institutions. We also offer unique volunteer opportunities for a wide range of science-minded citizens and stakeholders in conservation. In addition to traditional trainings, CSP often offers workshops and other professional development opportunities to the broader conservation community.

CSP is a proud recipient of Google’s Geo for Good Impact Award!