We produce durable, peer-reviewed, academic-grade science designed to guide nonpartisan and independent decision making
Yegorova SV , Dobrowski SZ, Yung L, Parks SA, Bocinsky RK, Davis KT, Littlefield C, Maneta MP, Wyborn C, Brinkerhoff D, Colligan T, Rank R, Wurster P. Accepted. Spatial climate analogs in climate change research, impact assessment, and decision-making. BioScience.
Costanzo BE, Brennan EJ, Olimpi EM, Suraci JP. 2025. ANCHOR: An opportunity to change landscape connectivity networks and conservation delivery at-scale in the U.S. Land. 14(2):385. https://doi.org/10.3390/land14020385.
Oldfather MF, Ennis A, Miller BW, Clark-Wolf K, Rangewala I, Robe H, Littlefield C. 2025. Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation in U.S. Rocky Mountain High Elevation Ecosystems. Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research. 57(1). https://doi.org/10.1080/15230430.2025.2450089
Spiller A, Comte L, Geldmann J, L Iversen. 2025.The interconnected nature of multiple threats is impacting freshwater biodiversity. Biology Letters.21:20240544. https://doi.org/10.1098/rsbl.2024.0544.
Creech TG, Brennan A, Faselt J, Stabach JA, Keeley ATH. 2024. Validating Connectivity Models: A Synthesis. Current Landscape Ecology Reports 9:120–134. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40823-024-00102-8
Doherty, K. E., J. Maestas, T. Remington, D. E. Naugle, C. Boyd, L. Wiechman, G. Bedrosian, M. Cahill, P. Coates, M. Crist, M. C. Holdrege, A. V. Kumar, T. Mozelewski, R. C. O’Connor, E. M. Olimpi, A. Olsen, B. G. Prochazka, J. R. Reinhardt, J. T. Smith, W. D. Sparklin, D. M. Theobald, and K. Wollstein. 2024. State of the Sagebrush: Implementing the Sagebrush Conservation Design to Save a Biome. Rangeland Ecology & Management 97:1–11.
Giebink N, Gupta A, Verìssimo D, Chang CH, Chang T, Brennan A, Dickson B, Bowmer A, Baillie J. 2024. Automating the analysis of public saliency and attitudes towards biodiversity from digital media. arXiv:2405.01610.
Lacey LM, Suraci J, Littlefield C, Busse B, and Dickson B. 2024. Informing proactive wildfire management that benefits vulnerable communities and ecological values. People and Nature 00:1-15. https://doi.org/10.1002/pan3.10733.
Littlefield, C.E., Suraci, J.P., Kintsch, J., Callahan, R., Cramer, P., Cross, M.S., Dickson, B.G., Duncan, L.A., Fisher, J.R., Freeman, P.T., Seidler, R., Wearn, A., Andrews, K.M., Brocki, M., Dodd, N., Gagnon, J., Johnson, A., Krosby, M., Skroch, M. and Sutherland, R. 2024. Evaluating and elevating the role of wildlife crossings in climate adaptation. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment e2816. https://doi.org/10.1002/fee.2816.
Moss WE, Crausbay S, Rangwala I, Wason J, Trauernicht C, Stevens-Rumann CS, Sala A, Rottler CM, Pederson GT, Miller BW, Magness D. 2024. Drought as an emergent driver of ecological transformation in the twenty-first century. BioScience
Mozelewski, T. G., P. T. Freeman, A. V. Kumar, D. E. Naugle, E. M. Olimpi, S. L. Morford, M. I. Jeffries, D. S. Pilliod, C. E. Littlefield, S. E. McCord, L. A. Wiechman, E. J. Kachergis, and K. E. Doherty. 2024. Closing the Conservation Gap: Spatial Targeting and Coordination are Needed for Conservation to Keep Pace with Sagebrush Losses. Rangeland Ecology & Management 97:12–24.
Olimpi, E. M., T. Mozelewski, J. Gage, A. V. Kumar, C. Littlefield, and K. Doherty. 2024. An Interactive Tool to Promote Stepping Down the Sagebrush Conservation Design to Local Conservation Planning. Rangeland Ecology & Management 97:107–114
Olimpi EM, Ke A, Baur P, Carlisle L, Esquivel KE, Glaser T, Snyder WE, Waterhouse H, Bowles TM, Kremen C, Karp DS. 2024. Ungrazed seminatural habitats around farms benefit bird conservation without enhancing foodborne pathogen risks. Landscape Ecology 39(128):1-16.
Pierrat, Z.A., T.S. Magney, R. Cheng, A.J. Maguire, C.Y.S. Wong, M.F. Nehemy, M.P. Rao, S.E. Nelson, A.F. Williams, J.A. Hoyne Grosvenor, K.R. Smith, J.S. Reblin, J. Stutz, A.D. Richardson, B.A. Logan, and D.R. Bowling. 2024. The biological basis for using optical signals to track evergreen needleleaf photosynthesis. BioScience 74:130-145.
Rasmussen, LV, … E. Olimpi, et al. 2024. Joint environmental and social benefits from diversified agriculture. Science 384:6691, 87-93.
Schattman RE, Clark P, D’Amato AW, Ontl T, Littlefield C, North E. 2024. Forester interest in, and limitations to, adapting to climate change across the rural-to-urban gradient. Climate Risk Management Jun 3:100624.
Cravens, A.E., Goolsby, J.B., Jedd, T., Bathke, D.J., Crausbay, S., Cooper, A.E., Dunham, J., Haigh, T., Hall, K.R., Hayes, M.J. and McEvoy, J. 2023. The patchwork governance of ecologically available water: A case study in the Upper Missouri Headwaters, Montana, United States. Journal of the American Water Resources Association. https://doi.org/10.1111/1752-1688.13167
Davis, KT, et al. including CE Littlefield. 2023. Reduced fire severity offers near-term buffer to climate-driven declines in conifer resilience across the western United States. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 120 (11) e2208120120.
Eitel, J.U.H., D. Basler, S. Braun, N. Buchmann, P. D’Odorico, S. Etzold, A. Gessler, K.L. Griffin, J. Krejza, Y. Luo, A.J. Maguire, M.P. Rao, Y. Vitasse, L. Walthert, and R. Zweifel. 2023. Towards monitoring stem growth phenology from space with high resolution satellite data. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 339: 109549. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agrformet.2023.109549
Hansen LE, CB Yackulic, BG Dickson, BR Deemer, RJ Best. 2023. Linking ecosystem processes to consumer growth rates: gross primary productivity as a driver of freshwater fish somatic growth in a resource-limited river. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences https://cdnsciencepub.com/doi/10.1139/cjfas-2022-0229
Horton, K. G., Buler, J. J., Anderson, S. J., Burt, C S., Collins, A. C., Dokter, A. M., Guo, F., Sheldon, D., Tomaszewska, M. A. and Henebry, G. M. 2023. Artificial light at night is a top predictor of bird migration stopover density. Nature Communications. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-023-43046-z
Kissel, AM, B Wallace, J Anderson, BG Dickson, K Van Neste, V Landau, RC Averill-Murray, LJ Allison, A Fesnock. 2023. Range-wide occupancy trends for the Mojave desert tortoise (Gopherus agassizii). Ecosphere. 14(3), e4462
Parks, S, L Holsinger, J Abatzoglou, C Littlefield, K Zeller. 2023. Protected areas not likely to serve as stepping stones for species undergoing climate-induced range shifts. Global Change Biology.
Suraci, JP, LS Farwell, CE Littlefield, PT Freeman, LJ Zachmann, VA Landau, JJ Anderson, BG Dickson. 2023. Achieving conservation targets by jointly addressing climate change and biodiversity loss. Ecosphere. 14(4), e4490.
Suraci JP, CE Littlefield, CC Nicholson, MC Hunter, A Sorensen, BG Dickson. 2023 Mapping connectivity and conservation opportunity on agricultural lands across the conterminous United States. Biological Conservation. 278, 109896.
Suraci, JP, Mozelewski TG, Littlefield CE, Nogeire-McRae T, Sorensen A, Dickson BG. 2023. Management of US agricultural lands differentially affects avian habitat connectivity. Land. 12(4):746.
Weygint WA, JUH Eitel, AJ Maguire, LA Vierling, KL Griffin, NT Boelman, JE Jensen. 2023. Comparison of snow disappearance date estimates and tree stem radial growth onset at the forest-tundra ecotone. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 333, 109388. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agrformet.2023.109388
Weygint, WA, JUH Eitel, AJ Maguire, LA Vierling, DM Johnson, C Campbell, KL Griffin. 2023. Leaf temperatures and environmental conditions predict daily stem radial variations in a temperate coniferous forest. Ecosphere. 14, e4465. https://doi.org/10.1002/ecs2.4465
Xie, Y, M. Hunter, A Sorensen, T Nogeire-McRae, R Murphy, JP Suraci, S Lischka, TJ Lark. 2023. U.S. Farmland under Threat of Urbanization: Future Development Scenarios to 2040. Land 12:574. https://doi.org/10.3390/land12030574
Comte L, JD Olden, S Lischka, and BG Dickson. 2022. Multi-scale threat assessment of riverine ecosystems in the Colorado River Basin. Ecological Indicators 138:108840.
D’Amato, AW, CW Woodall, AR Weiskittel, CE Littlefield, LT Murray. 2022. Carbon conundrums: Do United States’ current carbon market baselines represent an undesirable ecological threshold? Global Change Biology. 28(13): 3991-3994. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/gcb.16215
Higuera PE, Crausbay S, Shuman B and Wolf K. 2022. Challenges to forest restoration in an era of unprecedented climate and wildfire activity in Rocky Mountain subalpine forests. Past Global Changes Magazine 30: 30-31.
Landau, VA, BR Noon, DM Theobald, NT Hobbs, and CK Nielsen. 2022. Integrating Presence‐only and Occupancy Data to Model Habitat Use for the Northernmost Population of Jaguars. Ecological Applications e2619.
Littlefield, CE and AW D’Amato. 2022. Using a climate adaptation lens to identify trade-offs and opportunities for carbon and wildlife in northern forest ecosystems. Conservation Science and Practice. e12631. https://conbio.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/csp2.12631
Nisi AC, JP Suraci, LG Frank, A Oriol-Cotterill, S Ekwanga, TM Williams, CC Wilmers. 2022. Temporal scale of habitat selection for large carnivores: balancing energetics, risk and finding prey. Journal of Animal Ecology. 91:182-195. https://doi.org/10.1111/1365-2656.13613
Parks, SA, LM Holsinger, CE Littlefield, SZ Dobrowski, KA Zeller, JT Abatzoglou, C Besancon, BL Nordgren, JJ Lawler. 2022. Efficacy of the global protected area network is threatened by disappearing climates and potential transboundary range shifts. Environmental Research Letters. 17:054016. https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1748-9326/ac6436/meta
Starbuck, CA, BG Dickson, and CL Chambers. 2022. Informing wind energy development: land cover and topography predict occupancy for Arizona bats. PLOS ONE 17(6):e0268573.
Reilly, CM, JP Suraci, JA Smith, Y Wang, CC Wilmers. 2022. Mesopredators retain their fear of humans across a gradient of human footprint. Behavioral Ecology. 33(2): 428–435. https://doi.org/10.1093/beheco/arab150
Suraci, JP, JA Smith, S Chamaillé-Jammes, KM Gaynor, M Jones, B Luttbeg, EG Ritchie, MJ Sheriff, A Sih. 2022. Beyond spatial overlap: harnessing new technologies to resolve the complexities of predator-prey interactions. Oikos. E09004. https://doi.org/10.1111/oik.09004
Zachmann, L. J., J. F. Wiens, K. Franklin, S. D. Crausbay, V. A. Landau, and S. M. Munson. 2022. Dominant Sonoran desert plant species have divergent phenological responses to climate change. Madroño 68: 473-486.
Aslan CE, M Brunson, B Sikes, R Epanchin-Niell, S Veloz, D Theobald, BG Dickson. 2021. Coupled ecological and management connectivity across administrative boundaries in undeveloped landscapes. Ecosphere 12:e03329.
Aslan, CE, Sandor, M, Sample, M, Stortz, S, Souther, S, Levine, C, Samberg, L, Gray, M, and Dickson, BG. 2021. Estimating social‐ecological resilience: fire management futures in the Sonoran Desert. Ecological applications. http://doi.org/10.1002/eap.2303
Aslan, C.E., Zachmann, L., McClure, M., Sikes, B, Epanchin-Niell, R, Veloz, S, Brunson, M, and Dickson, B.G. 2021. Quantifying ecological variation across jurisdictional boundaries in a management mosaic landscape. Landscape Ecology https://doi.org/10.1007/s10980-021-01198-7
Cohn B, B Wallace, C Grouios, BG Dickson, R Scherer, A Kissel, ME Gray, and TG Jackson. 2021. Heavy metal concentrations in Mojave desert tortoise (Gopherus agassizii) related to a mitigation translocation project, Ivanpah Valley, California. Herpetological Conservation Biology 16:128-141.
Crausbay S., Sofaer H.R., Cravens A.E., Chaffin B.C., Clifford K.R., Gross J.E., Knapp C.N., Lawrence D.J., Magness D.R., Miller-Rushing A.J., Schuurman G.W., and Stevens-Rumann C.S. 2021. A science agenda to inform natural resource management decisions in an era of ecological transformation. BioScience. https://doi.org/10.1093/biosci/biab102
Cravens A.E., McEvoy J., Zoanni D., Crausbay S., Ramirez A., and Cooper A.E. 2021. Integrating ecological impacts: Perspectives of drought in the Upper Missouri Headwaters, Montana, USA. Weather, Climate and Society. https://doi.org/10.1175/WCAS-D-19-0111.1.
Dobrowski SZ, Littlefield CE, Lyons DS, Hollenberg C, Carroll C, Parks SA, Abatzoglou JT, Hegewisch K, Gage J. 2021. Protected-area targets could be undermined by climate change-driven shifts in ecoregions and biomes. Nature Communications Earth & Environment 2:198.
Guetz, K, D Perry, BG Dickson, and T Joyal. 2021. Prioritizing Dams for Removal to Advance Restoration and Conservation Efforts in the Western U.S. Restoration Ecology e13583.
Hall, K.R., Anantharaman, R., Landau, V.A., Clark, M., Dickson, B.G.; Jones, A., Platt, J., Edelman, A., Shah, V.B. 2021. Circuitscape in Julia: Empowering Dynamic Approaches to Connectivity Assessment. Land 10:301. https://doi.org/10.3390/land10030301
Landau, V. A., Shah, V. B., Anantharaman, R., and Hall, K. R. 2021. Omniscape.jl: Software to compute omnidirectional landscape connectivity. Journal of Open Source Software, 6(57), 2829.
McClure, M.L., Haase, C.G., Hranac, C.R., Hayman, D.T.S., Dickson, B.G., McGuire, L.P., Crowley, D., Fuller, N.W., Lausen, C.L., Plowright, R.K. and Olson, S.H. .2021. A hybrid correlative-mechanistic approach for modeling winter distributions of North American bat species. Journal of Biogeography https://doi.org/10.1111/jbi.14130.
Morisette, J. T., K. A. Duffy, J. F. Weltzin, D. M. Browning, R. L. Marsh, A. M. Friesz, L. J. Zachmann, K. D. Enns, V. A. Landau, K. L. Gerst, T. M. Crimmins, K. D. Jones, T. Chang, B. W. Miller, T. K. Maiersperger, and A. D. Richardson. 2021. PS3: The Pheno-Synthesis software suite for integration and analysis of multi-scale, multi-platform phenological data. Ecological Informatics 65:101400.
Niemiec, R. M.J. Jones, S.A. Lischka, V. Champine. 2021. Efficacy-Based and Normative Interventions for Facilitating the Diffusion of Conservation Behavior Through Social Networks. Conservation Biology. DOI:10.1111/cobi.13717
Schuurman G.W., Cole D.N., Cravens A.E., Covington S., Crausbay S., Hawkins Hoffman C., Lawrence D.J., Magness D.R., Morton J.M., Nelson E.A., and O’Malley R. 2021 Navigating ecological transformation: Resist-Accept-Direct (RAD) as a path to a new resource management paradigm. BioScience. https://doi.org/10.1093/biosci/biab067
Smith JA, KM Gaynor, JP Suraci. Mismatch between risk and response amplifies lethal and non-lethal effects of humans on wild animal populations. 2021. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. 9:604973. https://doi.org/10.3389/fevo.2021.604973
Williamson, M., Dickson, B. G., Hooten, M., Graves, R., Lubell, M., Hijmans, R., and Schwartz, M. 2021. Accounting for incomplete reporting improves inference about private land conservation. Conservation Biology https://doi.org/10.1111/cobi.13673.
Zachmann, L. J, E. Borgman, D. Witwicki, M. Swan, C. McIntyre and N. T. Hobbs. In press. Bayesian models for analysis of inventorying and monitoring data with non-ignorable missingness. Journal of Agricultural, Biological and Environmental Statistics https://doi.org/10.1007/s13253-021-00473-z.
Aslan CE and BG Dickson. 2020. Non-native plants exert strong but under-studied influence on fire dynamics. NeoBiota. DOI: 10.3897/neobiota.61.51141.
Aslan, CE, S. Souther, S. Stortz, M. Sample, M. Sandor, C. Levine, L. Samberg, M. Gray, and B. Dickson. 2020. Predicting the effects of projected fire regime change on land management objectives and activities in the Sonoran Desert. Journal of Environmental Management, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.
Carter SK, Nussear KE, Esque TC, Leinwand IIF, et al. 2020. Quantifying development to inform management of Mojave and Sonoran desert tortoise habitat in the American southwest. Endangered Species Research 42:167-184.
Coop J, Parks S, Stevens-Rumann C, Crausbay S, and 19 others. 2020. Wildfire-driven forest conversion in western North American landscapes. BioScience 70:659-673.
Crausbay, S.D., Betancourt, J., Bradford, J., Cartwright, J., Dennison, W.C., Dunham, J., Enquist, C.A., Frazier, A.G., Hall, K.R., Littell, J.S. and Luce, C.H. 2020. Unfamiliar Territory: Emerging Themes for Ecological Drought Research and Management. One Earth, 3:337-353. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.
Hromada S, TC Esque, AG Vandergast, KE Dutcher, CI Mitchell, ME Gray, T Chang, BG Dickson, KE Nussear. 2020. Using movement to inform conservation corridors for Mojave desert tortoise. Movement Ecology 8:38. https://doi.org/10.1186/
Kissel AM, Halabisky M, Scherer RD, Ryan ME, Hansen EC. 2020. Expanding wetland hydroperiod data via satellite imagery for ecological applications. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. https://doi.org/10.1002/fee.2233
Lertzman‐Lepofsky GF, AM Kissel, B Sinervo, WJ Palen. 2020. Water loss and temperature interact to compound amphibian vulnerability to climate change. Global Change Biology, https://doi.org/10.1111/gcb.
Lischka, S.A., T. Teel, H. Johnson, C. Larsen, S. Breck, and K. Crooks. 2020. Understanding the motivators of human behavior to reduce human-wildlife conflicts. Conservation Biology. DOI: 10.1111/cobi.13626
McClure ML, D Crowley, C Haase, L McGuire, N Fuller, D Hayman, C Lausen, R Plowright, BG Dickson, S Olson. 2020. Linking surface and subterranean climate: implications for the study of hibernating bats and other cave dwellers. Ecosphere 11(10):e03274.
McDonough MacKenzie C, T Chang, M Nocco, R Barak, M Bletz, S Keubbing, M Dombeck. 2020. Recurrent neural network reveals overwhelming sentiment against 2017 review of U.S. monuments from humans and bots. Conservation Letters https://doi.org/10.1111/conl.
Wallace BP, Stacy BA, Cuevas E, Holyoake C, et al. 2020. Oil spills and sea turtles: documented effects and considerations for response and assessment efforts. Endangered Species Research 41:17-37.
Albano CM, M McClure, S Gross, W Kitlasten, C Soulard, CG Morton, and JL Huntington. 2019. Spatial patterns of meadow sensitivities to interannual climate variability in the Sierra Nevada, Ecohydrology, https://doi.org/10.1002/eco.2128
Chang T, BP Rasmussen, BG Dickson, and LJ Zachmann. 2019. Chimera: a multi-task recurrent convolutional neural network for forest classification and structural estimation. Remote Sensing 11:768.
Dickson BG, Albano CM, Anantharaman R, Beier P, Fargione J, Gray ME, Graves TA, Hall KR, Lawler JJ, Leonard PB, Littlefield CE, McClure ML, Novembre J, Schloss C, Schumaker N, Shah VB, and Theobald DM. 2019. Circuit‐theory applications to connectivity science and conservation. Conservation Biology. www.doi.org/10.1111/cobi.13230.
Dickson BG, Scherer RD, Kissel A, Wallace B, Langin K, Gray ME, Scheib A, Weise B. 2019. Multiyear monitoring of survival following mitigation‐driven translocation of a long‐lived threatened reptile. Conservation Biology. https://conbio.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/cobi.13301
Fischer DG, BG Dickson, TG Whitham, and SC Hart. 2019. Self-similarity, leaf litter traits, and neighborhood predicting fine root dynamics in a common-garden forest. Frontiers in Environmental Science, DOI: 10.3389/fenvs.2019.00142.
Fouch N, RF Baldwin, P Gerard, C Dyckman, and DM Theobald. 2019. Landscape-level naturalness ofconservation easements in a mixed-use matrix. Landscape Ecology.
Gray ME, BG Dickson, KE Nussear, TC Esque, and T Chang. 2019. A range-wide model of
contemporary, omnidirectional connectivity for the threatened Mojave desert tortoise. Ecosphere, https://doi.org/10.1002/ecs2.2847.
Horncastle VJ, CL Chambers, and BG Dickson. 2019. Grazing and wildfire effects on small mammals inhabiting montane meadows. The Journal of Wildlife Management.
Kissel AM, WJ Palen, ME Ryan, and MJ Adams. 2019. Compounding effects of climate change reduce population viability of a montane amphibian. Ecological Applications. https://doi.org/10.1002/eap.1832.
Lawler JJ, Beier, P, Dickson, BG, Fargione, J, Novembre, J, and Theobald, DM. 2019. A tribute to a true conservation innovator, Brad McRae, 1966–2017. Conservation Biology.
Lewis JS, Corn JL, Mayer JJ, Jordan TR, Farnsworth ML, Burdett CL, VerCauteren KC, Sweeney SJ, Miller RS. 2019. Historical, current, and potential population size estimates of invasive wild pigs (Sus scrofa) in the United States. Biological Invasions 21:2373-84.
Liles MJ, TR Peterson, JA Seminoff, …, and BP Wallace. 2019. Potential limitations of behavioral plasticity and the role of egg relocation in climate change mitigation for a thermally sensitive endangered species. Ecology and Evolution. https://doi.org/10.1002/ece3.4774.
Nogeire-McRae T, Lawler JJ, Schumaker NH, Cypher BL, Phillips SE. 2019. Land use change and rodenticide exposure trump climate change as the biggest stressors to San Joaquin kit fox. PLoS ONE 14(6): e0214297.
Raheem N, Cravens AE, Cross MS, Crausbay S, Ramirez A, McEvoy J, Zoanni D, Bathke DJ, Hayes M, Carter S, Rubenstein M. 2019. Planning for ecological drought: Integrating ecosystem services and vulnerability assessment. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Water, e1352.
Scherer RD, EC Hansen, M Joseph, and RF Wack. 2019. Estimating relationships between size and fecundity in the threatened giant gartersnake in semi-natural and agricultural wetlands. Population Ecology 61:141-149.
Wynne, JJ, F Howarth, S Sommer, and BG Dickson. 2019. 50 Years of Cave Arthropod Sampling: Techniques and Future Directions. International Journal of Speleology, 48: 33-48.
Aslan, C.E., B. Petersen, A.B. Shiels, W. Haines, and C.T. Liang. 2018. Operationalizing resilience for conservation objectives: the 4S’s. Restoration Ecology 26:1032-1038.
Aslan, C.E., C.T. Liang , A.B. Shiels, and W. Haines. 2018. Absence of native flower visitors for the endangered Hawaiian mint Stenogyne angustifolia: Impending ecological extinction? Global Ecology and Conservation. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gecco.2018.e00468.
Aslan CE, L Samberg, BG Dickson, and ME Gray. 2018. Management thresholds stemming from altered fire dynamics in present-day arid and semi-arid environments. Journal of Environmental Management 227:87-94.
Brown ML, Donovan TM, Mickey RM, Warrington GS, Schwenk WS, Theobald DM. 2018. Predicting effects of future development on a territorial forest songbird: methodology matters. Landscape Ecology 33:93-108.
Burgess, M.G., G.R. McDermott, B. Owashi, L.E. Peavey Reeves, T. Clavelle, D. Ovando, B.P. Wallace, R.L. Lewison, S.D. Gaines, C. Costello. 2018. Protecting marine mammals, turtles, and birds by rebuilding global fisheries. Science 359:1255-1258.
Dunham JB, Angermeier PL, Crausbay SD, Cravens AE, Gosnell H, McEvoy J, Moritz MA, Raheem N, Sanford T. 2018. Rivers are social–ecological systems: Time to integrate human dimensions into riverscape ecology and management. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Water. 2018:e1291.
Gray ME, LJ Zachmann, and BG Dickson. 2018. A weekly, continually updated dataset of the probability of large wildfire across western US forests and woodlands. Earth System Science Data 10:1715-1727.
Krosby, M, DM Theobald, R Norheim, and B McRae. 2018. Identifying riparian climate corridors to inform climate adaptation planning. PLoS ONE.
Longman, R., T. Giambelluca, M. Nullet, A. Frazier, K. Kodama, S. Crausbay, P. Krushelnycky, S. Cordell, M. Clark, A. Newman, and J. Arnold. 2018. Compilation of climate data from heterogeneous networks across the Hawaiian Islands. Nature Scientific Data.
McClure ML, CL Burdett, ML Farnsworth, SJ Sweeney, and RS Miller. 2018. A globally-distributed alien invasive species poses risks to United States imperiled species. Scientific Reports doi:10.1038/s41598-018-23657-z
Monahan WB and DM Theobald. 2018. Climate change adaptation benefits of potential conservation partnerships. PLoS ONE 13(2):e0191468
Muths E, RD Scherer, SM Amburgey, PS Corn. 2018. Twenty-nine years of population dynamics in a small-bodied montane amphibian. Ecosphere 9:1-15.
Wallace, B.P., M. Zolkewitz, and M.C. James. 2018. Discrete, high-latitude foraging areas are important to energy budgets and population dynamics of migratory leatherback turtles. Scientific Reports 8:11017.
Wynne, J.J., S. Sommer, F.G. Howarth, B.G. Dickson, and K.D. Voyles. 2018. Capturing arthropod diversity in complex cave systems. Diversity and Distributions. DOI: 10.1111/ddi.12772
Zachmann, L.J., D.W. Shaw, and B.G. Dickson. 2018. Prescribed fire and natural recovery produce similar long-term patterns of change in forest structure in the Lake Tahoe basin, California. Forest Ecology and Management 409:276-287.
Albano, C.M., M.D. Dettinger, and C.E. Soulard. 2017. Influence of atmospheric rivers on vegetation productivity and fire patterns in the southwestern US. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 122: 308-323.
Crausbay, S.D., P.E. Higuera, D.G. Sprugel, and L.B. Brubaker. 2017. Fire catalyzed rapid ecological change in lowland coniferous forests of the Pacific Northwest over the past 14,000 years. Ecology. DOI:10.1002/ecy.1897
Crooks, K.R., C.L. Burdett, D.M. Theobald, S.R.B. King, M. Di Marco, C. Rondini, and L. Boitani. 2017. Quantification of habitat fragmentation reveals extinction risk in terrestrial mammals. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Fleishman, E., J.J. Anderson, B.G. Dickson. 2017. Single-species and multiple-species connectivity models for large mammals on the Navajo Nation. Western North American Naturalist 77:11.
Hansen, E., R.D. Scherer, E. Fleishman, B.G. Dickson, and D. Krolick. 2017. Relations among environmental attributes and contemporary occupancy of the threatened giant gartersnake (Thamnophis gigas). Journal of Herpetology 51:274-283.
Kuehne, L. M., Olden, J. D., Strecker, A. L., Lawler, J. J., and D.M. Theobald. 2017. Past, present, and future of ecological integrity assessment for fresh waters. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 15:197-205.
Leu, M., M.L. Farnsworth, E. Fleishman, D. Dobkin, R.D. Scherer, B.R. Noon, and B.G. Dickson. 2017. Effects of point-count duration on estimated detection probabilities and occupancy of breeding birds. Journal of Field Ornithology 88:80-93.
Lewis, J.S., M.L. Farnsworth, C.L. Burdett, D.M. Theobald, M.E. Gray, R.S. Miller. 2017. Biotic and abiotic factors predicting the global distribution and population density of an invasive large mammal. Nature Scientific Reports 7:44152.
Lewis, J.S., K.A. Logan, M.W. Alldredge, D.M. Theobald, S.VandeWoude, K.R. Crooks. 2017. Contact networks reveal potential for interspecific interactions of sympatric wild felids driven by space use. Ecosphere 8 (3).
McClure, M.L., B.G. Dickson, and K. Nicholson. 2017. Modeling connectivity to identify current and future anthropogenic barriers to movement of large carnivores: a case study in the American Southwest. Ecology and Evolution. DOI: 10.1002/ece3.2939
Sadoti, G., M.E. Gray, M.L. Farnsworth, and B.G. Dickson. 2017. Discriminating patterns and drivers of multi-scale movement in herpetofauna: the dynamic and changing environment of the Mojave desert tortoise. Ecology and Evolution DOI: 10.1002/ece3.3235.
von Fischer, J.C., Cooley, D., Chamberlain, S., Gaylord, A., Griebenow, C.J., Hamburg, S.P., Salo, J., Schumacher, R., Theobald, D. and Ham, J. 2017. Rapid, vehicle-based identification of location and magnitude of urban natural gas pipeline leaks. Environmental Science & Technology, 51:4091-4099.
Zavaleta, E., C.E. Aslan, W. Palen, T.D. Sisk, M.E. Ryan, and B.G. Dickson. 2017. Expanding career pathways in conservation science. Conservation Biology. DOI:10.1111/cobi.12987
Aslan, C.E., C.T. Liang, B. Galindo, K. Hill, and W. Topete. 2016. The role of honeybees as pollinators in natural areas. Natural Areas Journal. 36:478-488.
Brand, L.A., Farnsworth, M.L., Meyers, J., Dickson, B.G.,Grouios, C.,Scheib, A.F., and Scherer, R.D. 2016. Mitigation-driven translocation effects on temperature, condition, growth, and mortality of Mojave desert tortoise (Gopherus agassizii) in the face of solar energy development. Biological Conservation. DOI:10.1016/j.biocon.2016.05.032
Davis, A.J., Hooten, M.B., Miller, R.S., Farnsworth, M.L., Lewis, J., Moxcey, M. and Pepin, K.M. 2016. Inferring invasive species abundance using removal data from management actions. Ecological Applications, 26:2339-2346.
Dickson, B.G., C.M Albano, B.H. McRae, J.J. Anderson, D.M. Theobald, L.J. Zachmann, T.D. Sisk, & M.P. Dombeck. 2016. Informing strategic efforts to expand and connect protected areas using a model of ecological flow, with application to the western US. Conservation Letters. DOI:10.1111/conl.12322
Fleishman, E., J. Anderson, B.G. Dickson, D. Krolick, J.A. Estep, R.L. Anderson, C.S. Elphick, D.S. Dobkin, and D.A. Bell. 2016. Space use by Swainson’s Hawk (Buteo swainsoni) in the Natomas Basin, California. Collabra 2(1):1–12.
Gray, M.E. and B.G. Dickson. 2016. Applying fire connectivity and centrality measures to mitigate the cheatgrass-fire cycle in the arid West, USA. Landscape Ecology. DOI: 10.1007/s10980-016-0353-2
Hansen, A. J., W. Monahan, D.M. Theobald, S. T. Olliff (eds.). 2016. Climate Change in Wildlands: Pioneering Approaches to Science and Management. Island Press.
Harrison-Atlas, D., D.M. Theobald, and J. H. Goldstein. 2016. A systematic review of approaches to quantify hydrologic ecosystem services to inform decision-making. International Journal of Biodiversity Science, Ecosystem Services & Management. DOI: 10.1080/21513732.2016.1181105
Horncastle, V.J., B.G. Dickson, and T.A. Chaudhry. 2016. Visitor use impacts and habitat associations of the avifauna occupying the Colorado River corridor in Grand Canyon National Park. Pp. 107-119 in Ralston, B.E., ed. Proceedings of the 12th Biennial Conference of Research on the Colorado River Plateau: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2015–5180, 128 p.
Jones, A.S., J.J. Anderson, B.G. Dickson, S. Boe, and E.S. Rubin. 2016. Off-highway vehicle road networks and kit fox space use. Journal of Wildlife Management. DOI: 10.1002/jwmg.21204
McClure, M.L., A.J. Hansen, and R.M. Inman. 2016. Connecting models to movements: testing connectivity model predictions against empirical migration and dispersal. Landscape Ecology DOI: 10.1007/s10980-016-0347-0
McGuire, J.L., J.J. Lawler, B.H. McRae, T.A. Nunez, and D.M. Theobald. 2016. Achieving climate connectivity in a fragmented landscape. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113(26): 7195-7200.
Muths, E., R.D. Scherer, S.M. Amburgey, T. Matthews, A.W. Spencer, and P.S. Corn. 2016. First estimates of the probability of survival in a small-bodied, high-elevation frog (Boreal Chorus Frog, Pseudacris maculata), or how historical data can be useful. Canadian Journal of Zoology 94:599-606.
Salo, J.A., D.M. Theobald, and T.C. Brown. 2016. Evaluation of methods for delineating riparian zones in a semi-arid montane watershed. Journal of the American Water Resources Association. 1-16. DOI: 10.1111/1752-1688.12414.
Salo, J.A., and D.M. Theobald. 2016. A multi-scale, hierarchical model to map riparian zones. River Research and Applications. DOI: 10.1002/rra.3019
Theobald, D.M. 2016. A General-Purpose Spatial Survey Design for Collaborative Science and Monitoring of Global Environmental Change: The Global Grid. Remote Sensing. 8(10):813. DOI: 10.3390/rs8100813
Albano, C.M. 2015. Identification of geophysically diverse locations that may facilitate species’ persistence and adaptation to climate change. Landscape Ecology. DOI: 10.1007/s10980-015-0167-7.
Anderson, M.G., Comer, P.J., Beier, P., Lawler, J.J., Schloss, C.A., Buttrick, S., Albano, C.M. and Faith, D.P. 2015. Case studies of conservation plans that incorporate geodiversity. Conservation Biology 29: 680–691.
Albano, C.M., Dettinger, M.D., McCarthy, M.I., Schaller, K.D., Welborn, T.L., and Cox, D.A. 2015. Application of an extreme winter storm scenario to identify vulnerabilities, mitigation options, and science needs in the Sierra Nevada mountains, USA. Natural Hazards. DOI: 10.1007/s11069-015-2003-4.
Bosch, J., S. Fernandez-Beaskoetxea, R.D. Scherer, S.M. Amburgey, and E. Muths. 2015. Demography of common toads after local extirpation of co-occurring Midwife Toads. Amphibia-Reptilia 3:293-303.
Brodie, J., A. Giordano, B.G. Dickson, M. Hebblewhite, H. Bernard, J. Mohd-Azlan, J. Anderson, and L. Ambu. 2015. Evaluating multispecies landscape connectivity in a threatened tropical mammal community. Conservation Biology 29:122-132.
Dickson, B.G., V. Frary, S.E. Sesnie, and J.M. Rundall. 2015 New methods and hierarchical models for estimating intensity of habitat use by Merriam’s Turkey in managed forests of northern Arizona. Pages 41-59 in L.F. Huenneke, C. van Riper and K. Hays-Gilpin, eds., Science and Management at the Landscape Scale. University of Arizona Press, Tucson, AZ, USA.
Farnsworth M.L., B.G. Dickson, L.J. Zachmann, E.E. Hegeman, A.R. Cangelosi, T.G. Jackson, Jr., and A.F. Scheib. 2015. Short-term space-use patterns of translocated Mojave desert tortoise in southern California. PLoS ONE 10(9): e0134250. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0134250
Gray, M.E. and B.G. Dickson. 2015. A new model of landscape-scale fire connectivity applied to resource and fire management in the Sonoran Desert, USA. Ecological Applications. DOI: 10.1890/14-0367.1.
Hansen, E., R.D. Scherer, G.C. White, B.G. Dickson, and E. Fleishman. 2015. Estimates of survival probability from two populations of giant gartersnakes in California’s Great Central Valley. Copeia 103:1026-1036.
Hoglander, C.H., B.G. Dickson, S.S. Rosenstock, and J. Anderson. 2015. Landscape models of space use by desert bighorn sheep in the Sonoran Desert of southwestern Arizona. Journal of Wildlife Management 79:77-91.
Hudson, H., S.E. Sesnie, B.G. Dickson, and L. Thomas. 2015. Cross-jurisdictional monitoring for non-native plant invasions using an NDVI change detection index in Walnut Canyon National Monument. Pages 23-40 in L.F. Huenneke, C. van Riper and K. Hays-Gilpin, eds., Science and Management at the Landscape Scale. University of Arizona Press, Tucson, AZ, USA.
Lawler, J.J., Ackerly, D.D., Albano, C.M., Anderson, M.G., Dobrowski, S.Z., Gill, J.L., Heller, N.E., Pressey, R.L., Sanderson, E.W. and Weiss, S.B. 2015. The theory behind, and the challenges of, conserving nature’s stage in a time of rapid change. Conservation Biology 29: 618–629.
McClure, M.L., C.L. Burdett, M.L. Farnsworth, M.W. Lutman, D.M. Theobald, P.D. Riggs, D.A. Grear, and R.S. Miller. 2015. Modeling and mapping the probability of occurrence of invasive wild pigs across the contiguous United States. PLoS ONE, e0133771. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0133771
Pilliod, D.S., and R.D. Scherer. 2015. Managing habitat to slow or reverse population declines of the Columbia spotted frog in the northern Great Basin. Journal of Wildlife Management 79:579-590.
Schmitz, O.J., J.J. Lawler, P. Beier, C. Groves, G. Knight, D.A. Boyce, Jr., J. Bulluck, K.M .Johnston, M.L. Klein, K. Muller, D.J. Pierce, W.R. Singleton, J.R. Stritthold, D.M. Theobald, S.C. Trombulak, and A. Trainor. 2015. Conserving biodiversity: Practical guidance about climate change adaptation approaches in support of land-use planning. Natural Areas Journal 35:190-203.
Theobald D.M., D. Harrison-Atlas, W.B. Monahan, and C.M. Albano. 2015. Ecologically relevant maps of landforms and physiographic diversity for climate adaptation planning. PLoS ONE 10(12): e0143619
Bernstein, E.J., C.M. Albano, T.D. Sisk, T.M. Crews, and S.S. Rosenstock. 2014. Seeding cool-season grasses on a degraded rangeland on the Colorado Plateau. Restoration Ecology. 22:57-64.
Dickson, B.G., L.J. Zachmann, and C.M. Albano. 2014. Systematic identification of potential conservation priority areas on roadless Bureau of Land Management lands in the western United States. Biological Conservation. DOI:10.1016/j.biocon.2014.08.001
Dickson, B.G., T.D. Sisk, S.E. Sesnie, J.M. Rundall, R.T. Reynolds, S.S. Rosenstock, C. Vojta, and M.F. Ingraldi. 2014. Integrating single-species management and landscape conservation using regional habitat occurrence models. Landscape Ecology 29:803-815.
Fleishman, E., J.R. Thomson, E.L. Kalies, B.G. Dickson, D. Dobkin, and M. Leu. 2014. Projecting current and future location of habitat for breeding birds in the Great Basin. Ecosphere 5(7):82. http://dx.doi.org/10.1890/ES13-00387.1.
Gray, M., B.G. Dickson, and L.J. Zachmann. 2014. Modeling and mapping dynamic variability in large fire risk in the lower Sonoran Desert of southwestern Arizona. Intl. Journal of Wildland Fire. DOI:10.1071/WF13115.
Hansen, A.J., N.B. Piekielek, C. Davis, J.R. Haas, D.M. Theobald, J.E. Gross, W.B. Monahan, T. Olliff, and S.W. Running. 2014. Exposure of U.S. national parks to land use and climate change 1900-2100. Ecological Applications 24(3): 484-502.
Hegeman, E E., B.G. Dickson, and L.J. Zachmann. 2014. Probabilistic models of fire occurrence across federal management units in the Mojave Desert Network, U.S.A. Landscape Ecology. DOI 10.1007/s10980-014-0078-z
Litschert, S.E., D.M. Theobald, and T.C. Brown. 2014. Effects of climate change and wildfire on soil loss in the Southern Rockies Ecoregion. Catena 118:206-219.
Mac Nally, R., C.M. Albano, E. Fleishman. 2014. A scrutiny of evidence for pressure-induced shifts in estuarine and nearshore ecosystems. Austral Ecology. 39:898-906.
Ray, C.M., B.G. Dickson, and T.D. Sisk. 2014. Spatial application of a predictive northern goshawk occupancy model to alternative forest treatment models. Forest Ecology and Management 322:117-126.
Reed, S.E., J.A. Hilty, and D.M. Theobald. 2014. Guidelines and incentives for conservation development in local land-use regulations. Conservation Biology 28(1): 258-268.
Sankey, T., B.G. Dickson, S.E. Sesnie, O. Wang, A.D. Olsson, and L.J. Zachmann. 2014. High spatial resolution models of Sahara mustard occurrence and cover in the Sonoran Desert of southwestern Arizona. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing 80:885-893.
Smith, M.R., D.A. Moon, and R.D. Scherer. 2014. Seasonal survival and treatment use of Northern Bobwhites in Kansas. Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science 117:1-14.
Theobald, D.M. 2014. Development and applications of a comprehensive land use classification and map for the U.S. PLOS ONE. DOI: 10.1371 / journal.pone.0094628
Wang, O., L. Zachmann, S.E. Sesnie, A.D. Olsson, and B.G. Dickson. 2014. A targeted sampling design informed by habitat suitability models for detecting focal plant species over extensive areas. PLoS ONE 9(7): e0101196.
Albano, C.M., C. Angelo, R. Strauch, and L. Thurman. 2013. Potential Effects of Climate Warming on Visitor Use in Three Alaskan National Parks. Park Science. 30:36-43.
Brown, M.L., T.M. Donovan, W.S. Schwenk, and D.M. Theobald. 2013. Predicting impacts of future human population growth and development on occupancy rates of forest-dependent birds. Biological Conservation 170: 311-320.
Cova, T.J., D.M. Theobald, J.B. Norman, III, and L.K. Siebeneck. 2013. Mapping wildfire evacuation vulnerability in the western US: the limits of infrastructure. GeoJournal 78(2): 273-285.
Dickson, B.G., G. Roemer, B.H. McRae, and J.M. Rundall. 2013. Models of regional habitat quality and connectivity for pumas (Puma concolor) in the southwestern Unites States. PLoS ONE 8(12): e81898.
Dickson, B.G., S.E. Sesnie, E. Fleishman, and D.S. Dobkin. 2013. Identification of habitat and assessment of habitat quality for conservation of terrestrial animals. Pages 149-173 in L. Craighead and C. Convis, eds., Conservation planning: shaping the future. Esri Press, Redlands, CA, USA.
Horncastle, V.J., R.F. Yarborough, B.G. Dickson, and S.R. Rosenstock. 2013. Summer habitat use by adult female mule deer in a restoration-treated ponderosa pine forest. Wildlife Society Bulletin. DOI: 10.1002/wsb.301.
Muths, E., R.D. Scherer, and J. Bosch. 2013. Evidence for plasticity in the frequency of skipped breeding opportunities in common toads. Population Ecology 55:535-544.
Peterson, E.E., J.M. ver Hoef, D.J. Isaak, J.A. Falke, M.J. Fortin, C.E. Jordan, K. McNyset, P. Monestiez, A.S. Ruesch, A. Sengupta, N. Som, E.A. Steel, D.M. Theobald, C.E. Torgersen, and S.J. Wenger. 2013. Modeling dendritic ecological networks in space: an integrated network perspective. Ecology Letters 16: 707-719.
Theobald, D.M. 2013. A general model to quantify ecological integrity for landscape assessments and U.S. application. Landscape Ecology DOI 10.1007/s10980-013-9941-6.
Theobald, D.M. 2013. Integrating land use and landscape change with conservation planning. Pgs 106-121 in L. Craighead and C. Convis, eds., Conservation planning: shaping the future. ESRI Press, Redlands, CA, USA.
Theobald, D.M., W.R. Travis, M.A. Drummond, E.S. Gordon, and M. Betsill. 2013. The changing Southwest. Pgs. 37-55 in Assessment of climate change in the southwestern United States. Island Press.
Thomas, M.A., G.W. Roemer , C.J. Donlan, B.G. Dickson, M. Matocq, and J. Malaney. 2013. Gene tweaking for conservation. Nature 501:485-486.
Miller, R.S., M.L. Farnsworth, and J.L. Malmberg. 2013. Diseases at the livestock-wildlife interface: Status, challenges, and opportunities in the United States. Preventive Veterinary Medicine 10:119-132.
Baldwin, R.F., S.E. Reed, B.H. McRae, D.M. Theobald, and R.W. Sutherland. 2012. Connectivity restoration in large landscapes: Modeling landscape condition and ecological flows. Ecological Restoration 30(4): 274-279.
Bradley, B.B., A.D. Olsson, B.G. Dickson, S.E. Sesnie, O. Wang, L. Pelech, and L. Zachmann. 2012. Species detection vs. habitat suitability: Are we biasing habitat suitability models with remotely sensed data? Ecological Modelling 244:57-64.
Farnsworth, M.L., R.S. Miller, K. Pederson, M.W. Lutman, S.R. Swafford, P.D. Riggs, and C.T. Webb. 2012. Environmental and demographic determinants of avian influenza viruses in waterfowl across the contiguous United States. PLoS ONE 7(3): e32729.
Holcomb, C.M., T.D. Sisk, B.G. Dickson, S.E. Sesnie, and E.N. Aumack. 2012. Administrative boundaries and ecological divergence: the divided history and coordinated future of land management on the Kaibab Plateau, Arizona, USA. Pages 1-20 in C. Van Riper, III, M. L. Villareal, C. J. van Riper, and M. J. Johnson, eds., The Colorado Plateau V: research, environmental planning, and management for collaborative conservation. University of Arizona Press, Tucson, AZ, USA.
Kalies, E.L., B.G. Dickson, C.L. Chambers, and W.W. Covington. 2012. Restoration treatments increase occupancy of the small mammal community in ponderosa pine forests, northern Arizona, USA. Ecological Applications 22:204-217.
Litschert, S.E., T.C. Brown, and D.M. Theobald. 2012. Historic and future extent of wildfires in the Southern Rockies Ecoregion, USA. Forest Ecology and Management 269: 124-133.
McRae, B.H., S.A. Hall, P. Beier, and D.M. Theobald. 2012. Where to restore ecological connectivity? Detecting barriers and quantifying restoration benefits. PLoS ONE 7(12): e52604.
Scherer, R.D., E. Muths, B.R. Noon, S.J. Oyler-McCance. 2012. The genetic structure of a relict population of wood frogs. Conservation Genetics 13:1521-1530.
Scherer, R.D., E. Muths, and B.R. Noon. 2012. The importance of local and landscape-scale processes to the occupancy of wetlands by pond-breeding amphibians. Population Ecology 54:487-498.
Sesnie, S.E., B.G. Dickson, S. Rosenstock, and J.M. Rundall. 2012. A comparison of Landsat TM and MODIS vegetation indices for estimating forage phenology in desert bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis nelsoni) habitat in the Sonoran Desert, USA. International Journal of Remote Sensing 33:276-286.
Sesnie, S.E., B.G. Dickson, J.M. Rundall, and T.D. Sisk. 2012. Assessment of mixed conifer forest conditions on the Kaibab National Forest, Arizona, USA. Pages 23-41 in C. van Riper, III, M. L. Villareal, C. J. van Riper, and M. J. Johnson, eds., The Colorado Plateau V: research, environmental planning, and management for collaborative conservation. University of Arizona Press, Tucson, AZ, USA.
Theobald, D.M., S.E. Reed, K. Fields, and M. Soule. 2012. Connecting natural landscapes using a landscape permeability model to prioritize conservation activities in the US. Conservation Letters 5(2): 123-133.
Volume 23, Issue 1, February 2025
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