Lauren Benedict, PhD, Postdoctoral Scientist

Lauren (she/her) is a behavioral ecologist who uses innovative spatial modeling approaches to better understand how avian and mammal species adapt to shifting environments. Lauren is passionate about contributing to science that informs conservation policy and invites people to connect with wildlife in their regions, such as through citizen science projects. Lauren earned her PhD in Ecology, Evolution and Conservation Biology from the University of Nevada Reno, where she explored how wild, food-caching birds learn and use abstract rules to update information and guide foraging behavior in harsh mountain environments. She has also contributed to research for the Pikas in Peril program, helping to assess the vulnerability of a climate sentinel species in the mountains of Colorado. Outside of work, you can usually find her skiing, hiking or drinking coffee in the sunshine. Although she collected data for her PhD just 15 miles north of Truckee, Lauren now lives in Boston, MA, where she is still adjusting to rainy snow days.